商业空间 I 汉尚华莲汉服文化体验馆 二维码
汉尚华莲汉服美学体验馆-广州正佳广场店 项目名称:汉尚华莲汉服美学体验馆 项目地址:广州市正佳广场 实际面积:400㎡ 设计主题:清风徐来,莲花盛开 设计时间:2021.07 设计单位:广州专筑建筑设计顾问有限公司 主案设计:林桂业 梁汉都 汉尚华莲首店的空间设计灵感是以莲花盛开的姿态为创作原型,与品牌的VI和IP的设计理念相结合。 The space design inspiration of Lotusthea'sfirst store is based on the blooming lotus as the prototype, which is combinedwith the brand's VI and IP design concept. 整体空间设计简约、时尚、更具创新感,将中国传统家具元素抽象化后设计成具有中国文化特色的产品货架,将莲花造型设计成软装家具和空间造型元素,不仅处处体现着东方美韵,同时也呈现出清澈空灵的诗意感。 The overall space design is simple, fashionableand more innovative. The traditional Chinese furniture elements are abstractedand designed into product shelves with Chinese cultural characteristics, andthe lotus shape is designed as soft furniture and space modeling elements,which not only reflects the oriental beauty everywhere. , but also into a clearand ethereal poetic sense. 效果图: |